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Satellite, aerial photographs and geographic maps show that Visocica hill has four sides like other existing pyramids around the world. All four sides are identical with the points of the compass, facing north, south, eastand west.

The pyramid plateau, which measures 27m x 420m, is paved with stone slabs.
These blocks have been cut by human hand, transported to the site, and then used to build the plateau of Visočica.

Bosnian Pyramid Of The Sun (Visocica Hill))



22 januaryr 2011

Satelite image of Bosnia's Valley of the Pyramids image



18 December 2007
Selection of the recent images from the archaeological site at Visoko taken by photographer Elma Okic (based inLondon, UK) link.



Coordinates of Bosnian Pyramid lat=43.9800731058, lon=18.1793241944



Each slab is about 10cm thick, on average.
Technology including satellite photography and thermal imaging is being used to develop a better understanding ofthe site’s hidden features.




The pyramid walls are built from the megalita breče stone. Blocks of different sizes are typically used to build pyramids. These stone blocks have been excavated some 150 m away from the apex of the pyramid. Further excavations are underway in the surrounding areas to map the blocks and underground tunnels.





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BOSNIAN PYRAMID - The first European Pyramid discovered in BOSNIA





Map Of Bosnia's Valley of The Pyramids
Map of Visoko Valley



Tunel Ravne skica
Tunel Ravne interactive map